Home The Strength Tarot Card Meanings
Home The Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Strength Tarot Card Meanings


The Strength tarot card represents inner strength, bravery, and courage. It symbolizes the ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles with calm and grace. This card reminds us that we have the power within us to conquer our fears and to tap into our inner resilience. The Strength card also serves as a reminder to have faith in ourselves and our abilities, and to trust that we can handle whatever comes our way. It encourages us to approach difficult situations with a clear mind and a compassionate heart, and to find creative solutions to problems. This card ultimately teaches us that we can harness our personal strength to make positive changes in our lives and to become our best selves.

The Depiction and its Symbolism

The Strength card portrays a woman gently taming a powerful lion. She stands confidently with one hand on the lion's head, showcasing her inner strength and ability to harness and control raw power. The Strength card represents courage, resilience, inner strength, and triumph over adversity.

The central figure of the card is the woman, radiating a sense of calm and confidence. She symbolizes the embodiment of strength and shows that true power comes from within. She exemplifies courage, resilience, and the ability to face challenges head-on.

The lion, an emblem of strength and ferocity, represents the wild and untamed aspects of our nature. The fact that the woman is able to gently tame the lion shows her ability to harness and control her own inner power and instincts.

The woman's serene and peaceful expression signifies her unwavering determination and inner balance. She approaches challenging situations with grace and a deep understanding of her own strength and capabilities.

The flower garland around the woman's waist symbolizes the harmonious union of the physical and spiritual realms. It represents her ability to integrate her emotions, thoughts, and actions to maintain balance and harmony.

The woman's white dress symbolizes purity, innocence, and spiritual strength. It signifies her connection to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

The infinity symbol above the woman's head represents the eternal nature of her inner strength. It shows that her power and resilience are infinite and can overcome any obstacles or challenges that come her way.

The surrounding landscape, with its vibrant and lush greenery, represents the fertile grounds of growth and transformation. It symbolizes the unlimited potential that comes from harnessing inner strength and facing challenges with courage and determination.

The Strength card serves as a reminder to tap into our own inner power and resilience. It encourages us to face challenges with grace, confidence, and unwavering determination. It reminds us that we have the strength to overcome any adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.

However, it is important to note that strength does not always mean force or aggression. The Strength card teaches us that true power comes from gentleness, compassion, and understanding. It reminds us to approach situations with kindness and empathy, harnessing our inner strength to find peaceful resolutions.

Ultimately, the Strength card embodies the qualities of courage, resilience, and inner strength. It serves as a reminder to tap into our own power, face challenges with grace and determination, and find strength through gentleness and compassion.

The Upright Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Upright Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Strength card is associated with inner strength, courage, and resilience. It represents the power to overcome challenges and harness your inner potential.

In a tarot reading, the Strength card encourages you to tap into your inner strength and face challenges with bravery and confidence. It signifies the need to trust in yourself and your abilities to navigate difficult situations. This card suggests that by harnessing your inner power, you can overcome obstacles and triumph over adversity.

The Strength card also signifies the importance of patience and self-control. It reminds you that strength does not always come from force or aggression, but from a calm and balanced approach. This card suggests that by maintaining emotional stability and remaining composed under pressure, you can find the strength to handle any situation.

Additionally, the Strength card symbolizes compassion and kindness. It urges you to approach challenges with empathy and understanding, both toward others and yourself. This card suggests that by embracing your gentle side and showing compassion toward others, you can demonstrate true strength.

Furthermore, the Strength card represents the power of inner healing and self-discovery. It signifies the need to confront and overcome your fears, insecurities, and limitations. This card suggests that by facing your inner demons and embracing your vulnerabilities, you can find strength and growth.

Moreover, the Strength card serves as a reminder that true strength lies in authenticity and self-acceptance. It encourages you to be true to yourself and honor your individuality. This card suggests that by embracing your unique qualities and accepting yourself fully, you can tap into your true power.

The Strength card also signifies the importance of assertiveness and standing up for yourself. It reminds you to set healthy boundaries and assert your needs and desires. This card suggests that by asserting yourself in a balanced and respectful manner, you can maintain your personal power and integrity.

In summary, the Strength tarot card represents inner strength, courage, and resilience. It calls upon you to tap into your inner power and face challenges with bravery and confidence. This card reminds you to trust in yourself, maintain emotional stability, and approach situations with compassion. By embracing your vulnerabilities, being authentic, and asserting your needs, you can harness your true strength and overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

The Reversed Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Reversed Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The reversed Strength card represents a lack of inner strength and struggle with personal power. This card suggests that you may be feeling weak or overwhelmed in a situation that requires strength and courage. You may be doubting your abilities or lacking confidence in your own abilities to overcome challenges.

The reversed Strength card encourages you to examine the areas of your life where you may be compromising your power or allowing others to control you. It is possible that you are giving in to fear or external pressures, leading to a diminished sense of self. This card suggests that by reclaiming your personal power and standing up for yourself, you can regain control and assertiveness in your life.

Moreover, the reversed Strength card reminds you that inner strength comes from a place of self-acceptance and self-love. It urges you to cultivate compassion and forgiveness toward yourself, acknowledging that you are a worthy and capable individual. This card suggests that by nurturing a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-worth, you can tap into your inner strength to face any challenges that come your way.

Furthermore, the reversed Strength card may indicate a lack of patience or impulsiveness in dealing with difficult situations. It reminds you that true strength requires balance and emotional stability, and rushing into actions or reactions may not serve your highest good. This card suggests that by practicing restraint and strategic thinking, you can navigate challenging circumstances with greater clarity and effectiveness.

When the reversed Strength card appears, it also serves as a reminder to seek support and guidance from others. You do not have to face your struggles alone, and reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. This card suggests seeking out trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide assistance and perspective during difficult times.

In addition, the reversed Strength card encourages you to reflect upon the underlying fears or insecurities that may be hindering your personal power. It urges you to confront and overcome these fears, whether through therapy, self-reflection, or personal development practices. This card suggests that by addressing and healing these deep-rooted wounds, you can unlock your true potential and embrace your inner strength.

Furthermore, the reversed Strength card may indicate a need for patience and perseverance in your journey toward self-empowerment. It reminds you that building strength is a gradual process, and that setbacks or obstacles are a normal part of growth. This card suggests staying committed to your path, even during challenging moments, and keeping faith in your ability to overcome obstacles.

In summary, the reversed Strength tarot card signifies a struggle with personal power and a lack of inner strength. It reminds you to examine the areas of your life where you may be compromising your power and reclaim your sense of self. This card urges you to cultivate self-acceptance and seek support from others while practicing restraint and patience. By addressing underlying fears and staying committed to your journey, you can tap into your inner strength and overcome any challenges that come your way.

The Strength Tarot Card: Courage and Inner Power

The Strength tarot card is a symbol of inner strength, courage, and power. The imagery on this card is typically of a woman or female figure holding a lion's jaws open with ease and confidence. It’s a striking image that captures the essence of this card.

But what can we learn from the Strength card? What lessons can we take away from this powerful and inspiring image?

Lesson 1: Embrace Your Inner Strength

The Strength card is a reminder that we all have a wellspring of inner strength and courage within us. We just need to tap into it and trust in ourselves.

In life, we will face challenges and obstacles that may seem insurmountable, but if we believe in ourselves and our ability to overcome them, we will find the strength to do so. We should never underestimate the power of our own inner strength.

Lesson 2: Have Courage to Face Your Fears

In the Strength card, we see a figure fearlessly facing a lion. This speaks to the idea that sometimes we must have the courage to face our fears and confront our challenges head-on.

It can be tempting to avoid difficult situations or run away from our problems, but when we have the strength and courage to face them, we often find that we are capable of more than we ever thought possible.

Lesson 3: Trust in Your Own Power

The Strength card is a symbol of personal power and our ability to take control of our own lives. It reminds us to trust in ourselves and our own abilities.

We have the power to make our own choices and shape our own destinies. We should not rely on others to dictate our paths or make decisions for us. We have the power to create our own futures.

Lesson 4: Practice Self-Compassion

The Strength card also speaks to the idea of compassion and self-care. The figure on this card is gentle but firm, showing us that we can be strong and assertive while also being kind and compassionate to ourselves.

We should practice self-care and treat ourselves with the same kindness and compassion that we would offer to others. By caring for ourselves and practicing self-compassion, we can strengthen our inner resolve and face challenges with greater ease.

Lesson 5: Be the Master of Your Emotions

Finally, the Strength card reminds us that we have the power to master our own emotions. We have the ability to control our reactions to situations and approach challenges with a calm and level head.

By mastering our emotions, we can avoid making hasty decisions or reacting out of fear or anger. We can approach challenges from a place of strength and clarity, allowing us to make better decisions and achieve better outcomes.


In conclusion, the Strength tarot card is a powerful symbol of inner strength, courage, and power. Its lessons of embracing our inner strength, facing our fears, trusting in our own power, practicing self-compassion, and mastering our emotions are valuable reminders for anyone looking to live a fulfilling life. So, be like the Strength card, tap into your inner power, and face each challenge with courage and confidence. You have the strength and ability to overcome anything.

