Home The Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Home The Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings


The Eight of Swords tarot card represents feelings of entrapment, limitation, and self-imposed restrictions. It symbolizes a mental state where one feels trapped by their own fears, doubts, and negative self-talk, unable to see a way out of their situation. This card reminds us that we hold the power to break free from our mental chains and to overcome our limiting beliefs. The Eight of Swords also serves as a reminder to seek help and guidance from others who can offer a new perspective and support in our journey toward liberation. This card encourages us to trust in ourselves and our abilities, and to take bold steps toward our goals, even if it means breaking free from our comfort zones. This card ultimately teaches us that with courage and determination, we can break free from the mental prison we've created for ourselves and move toward a brighter future full of possibilities.

The Depiction and its Symbolism

The Eight of Swords card portrays a figure blindfolded and bound, surrounded by eight swords stuck in the ground. It symbolizes feelings of restriction, entrapment, and limited perspectives.

The focal point of the card is the figure, blindfolded and surrounded by swords. She represents a state of feeling trapped, restricted, and unable to see beyond her current circumstances. Her bound hands suggest a feeling of helplessness or being held back from progress.

The swords stuck in the ground create a prison-like enclosure, further emphasizing the sense of entrapment. They symbolize the mental barriers and self-limiting beliefs that keep the figure from moving forward. The barren landscape represents a lack of possibilities and a feeling of being stuck in a desolate situation.

The blindfold worn by the figure represents a narrow perspective and an inability to see the potential solutions or opportunities that may exist. It suggests a deep sense of uncertainty, fear, and being at the mercy of external circumstances.

The Eight of Swords serves as a reminder to examine our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes that may be holding us back. It highlights the need to seek a new perspective and overcome limiting beliefs in order to find a way out of our perceived restrictions.

While the figure may feel helpless and trapped, it is important to remember that the barriers and limitations are self-imposed. The swords stuck in the ground can be removed, indicating that the power to break free lies within us.

The Eight of Swords card cautions against allowing fear and self-doubt to cloud our judgment and prevent us from seeing the possibilities that lie beyond our current situation. It urges us to find the courage to confront our fears and break free from mental constraints.

It is important to seek support and guidance when feeling trapped or overwhelmed. Just as the figure in the card is blindfolded and unaware of the surroundings, asking for help can provide a fresh perspective and alternative solutions.

Ultimately, the Eight of Swords serves as a reminder to examine our beliefs, free ourselves from self-imposed limitations, and embrace a broader perspective. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own liberation and seek the courage to move beyond perceived boundaries.

The Upright Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The Upright Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The Eight of Swords card is associated with feeling trapped, restricted, and powerless. It symbolizes a state of mental or emotional bondage and the need to break free from self-imposed limitations.

In a tarot reading, the Eight of Swords card encourages you to examine the thoughts, beliefs, and fears that are keeping you stuck in a negative mindset. It represents a time of self-imposed restrictions and the feeling of being helpless or trapped. This card suggests that by becoming aware of your own mental patterns and taking responsibility for your thoughts and beliefs, you can begin to free yourself from these limitations.

The Eight of Swords also signifies the importance of self-reflection and understanding. It urges you to take a step back and objectively assess the situation at hand. This card suggests that by gaining a clear perspective on your circumstances and seeing them from a different angle, you can find solutions and opportunities for growth.

Moreover, the Eight of Swords symbolizes the power of perception and the need to challenge your own limiting beliefs. It reminds you that often, the only thing holding you back is your own mind. This card suggests that by recognizing and releasing negative thought patterns, you can break free from the mental prison you've created for yourself.

The Eight of Swords further represents the potential for personal liberation and empowerment. It signifies the need to take action and make choices that align with your highest good. This card suggests that by asserting yourself and finding the courage to make changes, you can regain your freedom and overcome any obstacles in your path.

Furthermore, the Eight of Swords serves as a reminder that you have the power to change your reality. It cautions against playing the victim or blaming external circumstances for your current situation. This card encourages you to take ownership of your life and to actively work toward creating a more positive and fulfilling future.

However, it is important to note that the Eight of Swords does not imply that breaking free from self-imposed limitations is easy or instantaneous. It acknowledges that the process of freeing oneself from negative thinking patterns can be challenging and require patience and perseverance. This card reminds you to be gentle with yourself and to seek support if needed as you navigate this journey of self-liberation.

In summary, the Eight of Swords tarot card represents feeling trapped, restricted, and powerless. It encourages you to examine your own thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck and to take responsibility for your mental patterns. This card reminds you of the importance of self-reflection, perspective, and challenging limiting beliefs. By recognizing and releasing negative thought patterns, taking action, and making choices that align with your highest good, you can break free from self-imposed limitations and experience personal liberation and empowerment.

The Reversed Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The Reversed Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

The reversed Eight of Swords card suggests that you are beginning to see the truth of a situation and are no longer allowing fear or self-doubt to control you.

The reversed Eight of Swords card encourages you to break free from negative thought patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back. It signifies a newfound awareness of your own power and the realization that you have the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Moreover, the reversed Eight of Swords card reflects a sense of liberation and freedom. It indicates that you are no longer feeling trapped or restricted by external circumstances or the opinions of others. You have recognized your own inner strength and are taking the necessary steps to assert yourself and create a life that aligns with your authentic self.

Furthermore, the reversed Eight of Swords card suggests that you are becoming more open to taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You are embracing change and exploring new opportunities with a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm.

When the reversed Eight of Swords card appears, it also serves as a reminder to trust your own intuition and instinct. You know deep down what is best for you and what steps you need to take to move forward. It encourages you to listen to your inner voice and to have confidence in your own decision-making abilities.

In addition, the reversed Eight of Swords card signifies a release from feelings of victimhood or powerlessness. You are taking ownership of your life and accepting responsibility for your choices and actions. This card suggests that you are stepping into your personal power and reclaiming your sense of independence.

Furthermore, the reversed Eight of Swords card may indicate that you are letting go of self-imposed limitations and expectations. You are becoming more open-minded and are seeing the possibilities that lie beyond your previously narrow view of the world.

In summary, the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card represents a shift in perspective and a release from self-imposed limitations. It signifies a newfound awareness of your own power and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. This card encourages you to trust your intuition, embrace change, and take ownership of your life. By doing so, you can break free from old patterns and create a life that is aligned with your authentic self.

The Eight of Swords Tarot Card: Breaking Free From Limitations and Self-Imposed Restrictions

The Eight of Swords tarot card is a symbol of feeling trapped and confined, but it also represents the potential for breaking free from limitations and self-imposed restrictions. The imagery on this card shows a woman blindfolded and bound, surrounded by swords. It is a stark reminder of the mental and emotional blocks that can hold us back.

But what can we learn from the Eight of Swords card? What lessons can we take away from this challenging symbol of confinement and limitation?

Lesson 1: Recognize the Power of Your Mind

The Eight of Swords card shows us the power of our own minds to create the illusion of confinement and limitation. The woman in the card is blindfolded and cannot see the potential paths that are available to her. She is also surrounded by swords, which represent the mental constructs and limiting beliefs that can keep us stuck.

This card suggests that we should recognize the power of our own thoughts and beliefs, and how they can either limit or empower us. By becoming aware of our thought patterns and consciously choosing to shift them, we can begin to break free from the mental barriers that are holding us back.

Lesson 2: Trust Yourself

The Eight of Swords card also reminds us to trust ourselves and our own instincts. The woman in the card may be blindfolded, but she still has the ability to sense the potential paths around her. She just needs to trust herself enough to take that first step.

This card suggests that we must trust our own inner guidance and intuition, even when it seems like the odds are against us or when others may try to discourage us. We hold the power within ourselves to break free from limitations and create a better path forward.

Lesson 3: Embrace Change

The Eight of Swords card is a symbol of being stuck in a particular situation or way of thinking. It reminds us that in order to break free from those limitations, we must embrace change and be willing to take risks.

Sometimes, it can feel scary to step outside of our comfort zones and try something new. But this card suggests that it is through those changes and new experiences that we can find our way forward and break free from the trap we have created for ourselves.

Lesson 4: Take Ownership of Your Choices

The Eight of Swords card also reminds us to take ownership of our choices and decisions. The woman in the card may feel trapped and confined, but ultimately, she is the one who put herself in that situation. Once she accepts responsibility for her choices, she can begin to take the necessary steps to break free.

This card suggests that we must take ownership of our own lives and choices, even when it may be easier to blame outside forces for our circumstances. By taking responsibility, we can begin to empower ourselves and find a path forward.

Lesson 5: Celebrate Your Strength and Resilience

The Eight of Swords card may be a symbol of feeling trapped and confined, but it is also a reminder of our own inner strength and resilience. The woman in the card may be surrounded by swords, but she is not defeated. She still has the potential to break free and create a new path forward.

This card suggests that we should celebrate our own strength and resilience, even in the face of adversity. By acknowledging our own inner power and potential, we can begin to break free from limitations and create a better future for ourselves.


In conclusion, the Eight of Swords tarot card is a challenging symbol of confinement and limitation, but it also represents the potential for breaking free from those self-imposed restrictions. Its lessons of recognizing the power of our minds, trusting ourselves, embracing change, taking ownership of our choices, and celebrating our strength and resilience are invaluable reminders for anyone feeling trapped or stuck. So, break free from those mental and emotional chains, and embrace the limitless potential that lies within you!

