Home The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
Home The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings


The Four of Pentacles tarot card represents greed, possessiveness, and materialism. It symbolizes a period of fear around losing what one has accumulated, whether it be money, possessions, or power. This card reminds us that clinging too tightly to material things can cause us to lose sight of what truly nourishes our soul. The Four of Pentacles also serves as a call to examine our relationship with money and material possessions. It encourages us to be mindful of our spending habits and to cultivate a sense of generosity toward others. This card ultimately teaches us that true abundance comes from a sense of inner peace and contentment, rather than from external possessions.

The Depiction and its Symbolism

The Four of Pentacles card portrays a figure seated on a stone throne, tightly grasping four pentacles to their chest. They have a look of possessiveness and fear, holding onto their wealth and material possessions tightly. The Four of Pentacles represents an energy of stability, control, and a conservative approach to finances.

The focal point of the card is the figure tightly holding onto the four pentacles, representing a sense of possessiveness and fear of loss. They are guarding their wealth and material possessions, indicating a reluctance to let go or take risks.

The stone throne they sit upon represents stability, rigidity, and a resistance to change. It suggests a fixation on material security and a fear of instability or financial loss.

The figure's posture and facial expression exude a sense of stiffness, tension, and emotional detachment. They are focused solely on preserving their financial resources and are unwilling to share or experience the joys of giving or receiving.

The coins beneath their feet symbolize their accumulated wealth and material success. They are placed strategically, highlighting the priority placed on material possessions and financial stability.

This card's overall color palette is subdued, with shades of brown and gray, symbolizing a lack of vibrancy, expansiveness, or growth. It indicates a stagnant energy and a resistance to change or exploring new opportunities.

The Four of Pentacles card serves as a reminder to examine our relationship with money and possessions. While stability and financial security are important, the card reminds us not to hoard or cling onto our wealth at the expense of experiencing joy, generosity, and abundance in other areas of our lives.

However, it is important to note that the Four of Pentacles card can also represent the need for boundaries and financial responsibility. It encourages individuals to take a sensible and conservative approach to finances, ensuring stability and security for themselves and their loved ones.

Ultimately, the Four of Pentacles card speaks to the need for balance and finding a middle ground between financial stability and enjoying the gifts of abundance. It reminds us not to let our fear of loss or scarcity hinder our ability to experience true wealth, which extends beyond material possessions and encompasses emotional, spiritual, and social well-being.

The Upright Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Upright Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Four of Pentacles is associated with themes of materialism, stability, and control.

In a tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles serves as a reminder to examine your relationship with material possessions and wealth. It suggests that you may be holding onto your resources too tightly or being overly attached to material possessions. This card urges you to consider whether your need for security and stability is inhibiting your ability to experience abundance and fulfillment.

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes the fear of loss and the desire for control. It suggests that you may be resistant to change or unwilling to take risks in order to achieve greater prosperity. This card reminds you that true abundance comes from a place of openness and generosity, rather than a place of fear and scarcity.

Furthermore, the Four of Pentacles signifies the importance of finding balance between saving and enjoying your wealth. It urges you to avoid hoarding your resources or becoming obsessed with accumulating more material possessions. This card encourages you to find a healthy balance between financial security and the enjoyment of life's pleasures.

The Four of Pentacles also suggests the need to examine your attachment to earthly possessions and to consider whether they truly bring you happiness and fulfillment. It reminds you that true wealth comes from within and cannot be measured solely by material possessions.

Moreover, the Four of Pentacles warns against becoming too stagnant or closed off in your approach to life. It cautions against being overly rigid or resistant to change, as doing so may prevent you from experiencing new opportunities or growth. This card encourages you to be open to new experiences and to trust in the natural flow of life.

However, it is important to note that the Four of Pentacles does not necessarily imply that holding onto material possessions is always negative. It can also represent the importance of financial stability and the need to protect your resources. This card reminds you to find a healthy balance between saving for the future and enjoying the present moment.

In summary, the Four of Pentacles tarot card signifies themes of materialism, control, and stability. It encourages you to examine your relationship with wealth and possessions and to find a healthy balance between saving and enjoying resources. This card reminds you to avoid becoming too attached to material possessions and to remain open to opportunities for growth and change.

The Reversed Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Reversed Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The reversed Four of Pentacles highlights themes of release, surrender, and flexibility. It suggests that you may be loosening your grip on material possessions, control, or a scarcity mindset.

The reversed Four of Pentacles encourages you to examine your relationship with possessions, security, and abundance. It signifies a willingness to shift away from hoarding or clinging onto material possessions, and instead embrace a more open and abundant mindset. This card suggests that by letting go of the need for control and allowing yourself to be more flexible, you can invite greater abundance and flow into your life.

Moreover, the reversed Four of Pentacles prompts you to evaluate whether you are allowing fear or insecurity to prevent you from experiencing true abundance and prosperity. It urges you to release any limiting beliefs or patterns that are keeping you stuck and stagnant. This card signifies a need to trust in the universe's ability to provide for you and to let go of the need to tightly hold onto security.

Furthermore, the reversed Four of Pentacles reminds you to examine if you are withholding love, emotions, or resources from yourself or others. It signifies a shift toward generosity, openness, and sharing. This card suggests that by releasing a scarcity mentality and embracing a mindset of abundance, you can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships and experiences.

When the reversed Four of Pentacles appears, it also serves as a reminder to find a balance between holding onto stability and embracing change. It encourages you to release any resistance to change and to remain open to new opportunities and experiences. This card suggests that by being adaptable and flexible, you can navigate transitions with ease and grace.

In addition, the reversed Four of Pentacles invites you to reflect on whether you are overly focused on external validation or achievements. It urges you to prioritize your inner worth and to let go of the need for external measures of success. This card suggests that true abundance and fulfillment come from within and can be experienced even with minimal material possessions.

Furthermore, the reversed Four of Pentacles may indicate a need to reassess your priorities and values. It encourages you to shift your focus toward what truly matters to you and to let go of the need to control every aspect of your life. This card suggests that by aligning with your authentic desires and values, you can create a life of greater meaning and purpose.

In summary, the reversed Four of Pentacles signifies a release of control, a shift toward abundance and flexibility, and a need to reassess priorities. It urges you to let go of any scarcity mindset or attachments and to embrace a more open and abundant approach to life. By releasing control, remaining adaptable, and focusing on inner worth, you can experience greater fulfillment, abundance, and balance.

The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card: Finding Balance and Security in Life

The Four of Pentacles tarot card represents stability, security, and the need for balance in life. In this card, we see a figure sitting on a throne, holding onto four pentacles with a tight grip. This symbolizes a strong desire for material possessions and a need for financial security.

But what can we learn from the Four of Pentacles card? How can this card help us find balance and security in our lives?

Lesson 1: Finding Balance

The Four of Pentacles card teaches us the importance of finding balance in our lives. While it’s important to have financial security and material possessions, it’s equally important to have emotional, physical, and spiritual balance in our lives.

We should strive to find a balance between our work and personal life, our relationships, our health, and our passions. When we find balance in these areas, we can achieve a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Lesson 2: Letting Go

The figure in the Four of Pentacles card is holding onto their possessions tightly, showing a fear of losing them. But this card teaches us that sometimes, we need to let go of the things that no longer serve us in order to make room for better things to come into our lives.

We should learn to let go of things that are holding us back, whether it’s physical possessions, toxic relationships, or negative patterns of thought. When we let go of these things, we create space for new opportunities, experiences, and relationships to come into our lives.

Lesson 3: Honoring Self-worth

The Four of Pentacles card can also represent a need for self-worth and self-respect. We should honor ourselves and our own worth, whether it’s in our relationships, our work, or our finances.

We should not settle for less than we deserve or allow others to treat us poorly. We should stand up for ourselves and our own needs, and not let others take advantage of us.

Lesson 4: Finding a Sense of Security

The Four of Pentacles card reminds us of the importance of finding a sense of security in our lives. This can come in many forms, such as financial security, emotional security, or a sense of purpose in life.

We should work toward finding a sense of security in these areas, whether it’s by saving money, building strong personal relationships, or discovering our life’s purpose. When we feel secure in these areas, we can live more confidently and happily.

Lesson 5: Gratitude

Finally, the Four of Pentacles card teaches us the importance of gratitude. We should take time to appreciate the things we have in our lives, whether it’s our possessions, our relationships, or our experiences.

When we practice gratitude, we cultivate a positive mindset and attract more abundance into our lives. We learn to appreciate what we have instead of always striving for more.


In conclusion, the Four of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful symbol of finding balance and security in life. Its lessons of finding balance, letting go, honoring self-worth, finding a sense of security, and practicing gratitude are valuable reminders for anyone looking to live a more fulfilled and happy life. So, let go of what no longer serves you, honor your own worth, and find balance and security in all areas of your life.

