Home Exercise Three: Questions for Every Tarot Card
Home Exercise Three: Questions for Every Tarot Card

Exercise Three: Questions for Every Tarot Card


This exercise is a great way to really dive into each card and explore its meanings and possibilities.

To do this exercise, start with the Major Arcana and work your way through the deck card by card, including the Minor Arcana (Suit of Wands, Suit of Cups, Suit of Swords, and Suit of Pentacles). For each card, ask the questions mentioned previously.

For example, you might ask for the Empress tarot card, “What do I need to create, nurture, or replenish in my life? How can I find balance?”

Or for the Tower tarot card, "How do I face disruption, chaos, or crisis? How do I find insight and renewal?"

As you work through each card, write down these questions and reflect on them. This will help you become more familiar with each card and its meanings and deepen your understanding of the Tarot as a whole.

You can combine this exercise with the previous one as both complement each other and will help you to have a deeper understanding of each tarot card.
